The difference between GEICO’s costs and those of its competitors is a kind of moat that protects a valuable and much-sought-after business castle. No one understands this moat-around-the-castle concept better than Bill Snyder, Chairman of GEICO. He continually widens the moat by driving down costs still more, thereby defending and strengthening the economic franchise. Between 1985 and 1986, GEICO’s total expense ratio dropped from 24.1% to the 23.5% mentioned earlier and, under Bill’s leadership, the ratio is almost certain to drop further. If it does – and if GEICO maintains its service and underwriting standards – the company’s future will be brilliant indeed.
———Warren Buffett’s Letters to Berkshire Shareholders, 1986.
GEICO與其競爭者成本間的差異就是一種護城河,其保護了一個有價值且眾所仰望的企業城堡。沒有人比Bill Snyder ( GEICO的董事長 ) 更瞭解這種護城河圍繞城堡的概念,他持續向下挖掘成本以加寬護城河,從而保護及強化經濟特許權。在1985年到1986年間,GEICO的總費用率如先前所提及的從24.1%降到23.5%,並且在Bill的領導下,這項比率幾乎確信會進一步地下降。若真能如此 ─ 並且如果GEICO能夠維持其服務及核保標準的話 ─ 這公司的未來將會真正地光輝奪目。
At some companies, corporate expense runs 10% or more of operating earnings. The tithing that operations thus makes to headquarters not only hurts earnings, but more importantly slashes capital values. If the business that spends 10% on headquarters’ costs achieves earnings at its operating levels identical to those achieved by the business that incurs costs of only 1%, shareholders of the first enterprise suffer a 9% loss in the value of their holdings simply because of corporate overhead. Charlie and I have observed no correlation between high corporate costs and good corporate performance. In fact, we see the simpler, low-cost operation as more likely to operate effectively than its bureaucratic brethren. We’re admirers of the Wal-Mart, Nucor, Dover, GEICO, Golden West Financial and Price Co. models.
———Warren Buffett’s Letters to Berkshire Shareholders, 1992.
在某些公司,企業費用管理在營業利益的10%或更多,這種十分法的公司讓總部不只是損害盈餘,還嚴重地砍傷資本價值。在達成相同的營業利益下,如果企業在總部的成本上花了10%,比起一家成本占1%的企業,前一家企業的股東會僅僅因為公司的額外開銷而遭受9%的持股價值損失。查理跟我觀察到,公司成本高與公司績效好之間並沒有相關性。事實上,我們發現較簡單的、低成本的公司會比那些官僚同行更可能有效率地營運。我們是沃爾瑪 ( Wal-Mart ) 、紐克鋼鐵公司 ( Nucor ) 、道夫企業 ( Dover ) 、蓋可保險 ( GEICO ) 、金色西部金融公司 ( Golden West Financial ) 以及普萊斯企業 ( Price Co. ) 模式的讚賞者. (1992)
承續先前對「營業費用」的討論,我們將公司A和公司B營業費用的組成進行分析,如下表所示,您可以發現公司A和公司B的銷售費用都同樣是100萬元,但公司A的管理費用是300萬元,遠大於公司B的80萬元,使得公司A的「管理費用 / 營業利益」是驚人的150%,而公司B只有19%。
author:Frank Lin (林志鴻)
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