Take the breakfast cereal industry, whose return on invested capital is more than double that of the auto insurance industry (which is why companies like Kellogg and General Mills sell at five times book value and most large insurers sell close to book). The cereal companies regularly impose price increases, few of them related to a significant jump in their costs. Yet not a peep is heard from consumers. But when auto insurers raise prices by amounts that do not even match cost increases, customers are outraged. If you want to be loved, it’s clearly better to sell high-priced corn flakes than low-priced auto insurance.
———Warren Buffett’s Letters to Berkshire Shareholders, 1988.

我們以下表來做說明,假設保險公司和穀物公司的盈餘都是200萬元,資產負債表如表中所示,負債比都是80% ( 這對它們來說很常見 ) ,保險公司的投資資本報酬率為10%,穀物公司為20%。

reference:Wizark Shipyard-alphasd
blogger: http://www.wizark.com/blog/?p=522#more-522
author:Frank Lin (林志鴻)
blogger: http://www.wizark.com/blog/?p=522#more-522
author:Frank Lin (林志鴻)
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